
I have put thoughts and notes here in no particular order. I hope you find some of them useful!
A little cartoon man standing beside a huge laptop that is in a crystalline desert filled with rubies

Vector Search App With Ruby On Rails

Aug 5, 2023
How to add Vector Search To A Ruby On Rails App
picture of person sitting on a beach with a doodle of a lanky skeleton they just drew

Daily Writing

Jan 24, 2023
In this post I talk about what daily writing has done for me, and how others can start
Abstract styled artwork showing similar looking data

Account Data Matching exploit

Sep 6, 2022
Anchor - Account Data Matching exploit
an image of an evil looking puppet typing on a keyboard

Arbitrary CPI exploit

Sep 6, 2022
Anchor - In this Chapter of Common Security Exploits of Sealevel, or Sealevel Attacks, we do a deep dive on how malicious actors can invoke arbitrary programs using CPI to breach your security.
A 3d render of two seeds sprouting from some soil

Bump Seed Canonicalization Exploit

Sep 6, 2022
Anchor - In this Chapter of Common Security Exploits of Sealevel, or Sealevel Attacks, we do a deep dive on how malicious actors can use user-provided bumps to exploit your program if you do not properly validate the bump seed.
Image post 7

Account Closing Exploit

Sep 6, 2022
Anchor - In this Chapter of Common Security Exploits of Sealevel, or Sealevel Attacks, we do a deep dive on how malicious actors can use improper account closing to attack your program
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