Daily Writing

By Noah 'nheindev' Hein on Jan 24, 2023
picture of person sitting on a beach with a doodle of a lanky skeleton they just drew

Why should you write daily

Because it brings serendipity into the world. For you as a person specificially. I’m sure there are plenty of things that you’d like to do in life. I promise that writing daily help every single one of the things you’d like to do.

That’s what’s so powerful about it — writing is infinitely versatile.

You should write daily because not only will it focus your mind, it will spur action. You can use it as an excuse to meet more people. Use it to learn more skills. Improve yourself. And while it isn’t the most important thing, you can make a LOT of money doing it.

Why would you listen to me about this

I think you should listen to me because I’m more relatable to you than the large accounts you follow. I know what it’s like to start from nothing, and STILL be on that journey. I haven’t made it, but I have fucking improved.

In 2020 I was working as a manager at a fried chicken drive thru. I had dropped out of college twice. I was making $14/hr working 40-50 hours a week. I had to drive 45 minutes to get to work. 90 minutes each workday spent in traffic. I drove a 2002 Pontiac Montana that left me on the side of the road way too many times.

But I knew I wanted better for myself, and so I started teaching myself how to code. And with that I started writing daily. I would put myself out there, and try and meet new people. And I wasn’t embarrased to tell anyone who would listen about my story

Here’s a cold email I sent swyx telling him my story, engaging in his work, and then asking for a favor.

Hey Swyx, I wanted to start off saying thanks for all of the content that you put out there! I’ve read many of your blog posts and probably listened to at least 10 podcasts you’ve been on between your svelte podcast and guesting on places like FSJam and the like. I was also able to gain quite a lot of value from you when I got to chat with you at your react-a-thon booth. I’ve taken and incorporated much of the message you put out there and am trying to follow the same path. I’m Learning in public to the best of my ability and so far and it has opened several doors for me that I wouldn’t have thought otherwise possible. This led me to start doing a bit of research into the book you wrote. So to my belated point I will now get to. I wanted to get a copy of your book but am unfortunately in a situation where I have much more time than money, and quite simply can’t afford it. As much as I like your content and reading to improve myself; gas and groceries come first. I wanted to see if there were any small projects that I could do for you, renaming a large batch of files you’ve been pushing off, or anything of that nature. I would like to provide some modicum of value in exchange, but completely understand if that crosses some lines that you have. I don’t want to come across as if I don’t think it’s worth the price. I was hesitant to write this email as I find it a bit embarrassing or leaving myself vulnerable, but I realized that I should do it anyways, and if you say no you say no and no one is worse-off than before. Thanks for everything that you do for the community! Well long story short swyx gave me the book and things started going my way shortly after. I work in the crypto space, writing, and making videos related to coding. And while there are plenty of people that make WAYYY more than me, I’ve personally increased my take home income by 500% in the last 2 years. If you’re in a similar situation to where I was in 2020, I know you can do it too.

I know what it takes to turn your life around, and daily writing is a huge portion of it.

How to write daily

I’m going to remove an obstacle for you here:

You don’t need to know what to write about.

You’re going to write about what you’re doing to do for the day.

That’s it.

But before you start gaining huge unique insights, and sit there writing for hours on end. You must master the fundementals.

That starts with writing daily. You will quickly discover that the novel takes and insightful blogposts you read come from someone throwing shit at a wall until they hit a banger. miner inches from striking gold but not hitting it, while someone else pulls through and gets the gold

So write some things you’re going to take action for that day. For me my days look a little something like:

  • Wake up at 8:00 AM
    • this is a bit late, but I can commit to this, and that’s the important part.
  • Run for 1 more minute than you did yesterday
  • Write down todo(s) for work
  • Write for 30 minutes
  • Brainstorm newsletter ideas
  • Ask people if they want to be accountable to writing daily with me
  • Respond to tweets for 30 minutes
  • Deep work for at least 3 hours uninterrupted

And while there are other things that I write down, and even other todos I write down. It doesn’t need to start that way. Write 3 things down that you’ll do for the day. And then do it the next day. And the next day.

Every day you write — you’ll find yourself writing for longer, and taking notes on things you’ve been noticing. You’ll start observing trends. You may even start writing down your feelings. Truly terrifying.

But so damn good for you.

Anyways that’s all, if you enjoyed this please let me know over on twitter, and let me know how writing daily goes for you! If you DM me I’ll help keep you accountable

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